Our journey began years ago, as a young teenager, when our parents began breeding Great Pyrenees. As we attended many dog shows, I fell in love with the beautiful Siberian Husky. In my early twenties, still newly married, we moved out of our apartment into a house. Within a couple of months, we were looking at our own Siberian Husky. Actually we brought home two Huskies. And the journey began.
Another chapter opened when we met Marley. A good friend was raising Cockapoos here in Ontario. We stopped by to say hello and met Marley and her siblings the day after they were born. It was love at first sight. We adopted our little Cockapoo and waited for her to become eight weeks old. Life with Marley opened a new window in our lives. We discovered the world of Cockapoos. We decided to include the wonder of Cockapoos with others and become an Ontario Cockapoo Breeder.