If you own a Siberian Husky, you may have experianced the joy of listening to you Husky talk to you. Huskies are known for being vocal and using a range of sounds to communicate (the neigbour's young fellow said they sound like wolves.) You will find your Husky may talk back to you with howls, whines and other vocal sounds. It is increadable to hear when they are exited. Not that they are always loud about it. Their talking may be in a quiter tone that is ment to be shared with just the two of you. While a Husky is known for talking, they are also known for not barking. This is one of the reasons a Siberian Husky is loved. They are thrilled to see you come home, won't get all barky and will talk with you about your day!
Do Huskies Talk?
Updated: Dec 13, 2024