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Choosing an F1 and F1b Cockapoo!

Updated: Dec 13, 2024

When choosing between an F1 and F1b Cockapoo, it's important to understand the key differances to determine which is better for your needs.

A Cockapoo puppy ready to explore.
A Cockapoo puppy

F1 Cockapoo is a first-gereration hybrid between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle. These Cockapoos typically inherit a mix of both parents' traits, resulting in a charming, affectionate, and active companion. Their coat can vary, with some puppies having a curlier, Poodle-like coat and othering in the same litter having wavy or even fairly straight hair like the Cocker Spaniel. The F1 cockapoo may require regular grooming to prevent matting, but are ussually low to non shedding.

F1B Cockapoo, on the other hand, is the result of breeding a F1 Cockapoo back to a Poodle. This increases the Poodle genetics making a F1b Cockapoo to inherit the curlier, low-shedding (non-shedding) coat that is sought after. F1b Cockapoos tend to be a better option for households with allergies due to their hypoallergenic qualities.

Untimately, it is a matter of prefferance. While a F1 Cockapoos have more varity in their looks and overall traits, with a F1B Cockapoo you will still have the wonderful compamion that comes with the outgoing personality of a Cockapoo with the tighter curls and stronger poodle charicteristics.

You will find, like so many others, to adopt a cockapoo from Snowsong Siberians and Cockapoos is to fall in love!

An F1b cockapoo puppy relaxing on the floor.
An F1b cockapoo puppy

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