the pack
beautiful. awesome. unique.
the Cocker Spaniel,
Black with white markings.
This girl is a sweetheart and a great little momma! Calla is about 26 lbs and is DNA tested with no genetic health issues.
our male,
Black + white, with beautiful blue eyes.
Asher is a gorgeous, friendly boy.
the spitfire,
Red with amber eyes.
Cinnamon has a fiesty attitude, and is such a great girl in our family! Cinnamon is now retired.
the Miniature Poodle
Charlie has been retired, but we have COOPER! He's a super friendly, cuddly, affectionate guy! Cooper is still growing, so we're not going to give a size on him yet, but he's a mini, and should be pretty small. We're escited for him to become a daddy!
the daughter,
Brown with green eyes. She is Cinnamon's daughter and enjoys being a gentle companion (e.g. we can hold her paw, literally!)
All Snowsong partner dogs are family pets.