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The Siberian Husky is a medium sized working dog. With it’s energy, alertness, and intelligence, they need plenty of training and exercise to help them behave properly.

Although Siberian Huskies are intelligent, they can also be stubborn. That means they need a firm hand in training them and keeping them right down to the rules. Training and homing them correctly is an important part of having a Siberian Husky. Their intelligence can get them into trouble as they live up to their reputation as escape artists. They can figure out how to undo the latch on their kennel, turn the door handle on your front door, or other ways of escaping where you have contained them. It is extremely important to make sure you have safely contained them, especially if you are away from home.

Siberian Huskies love to run. As much as they may seem comfortable by your feet while you do office work, they would literally run all day if you let them. Walks and other forms of exercise are an important part of a Siberian Husky's life, which means you need to be prepared for additional walks if you do not have a place to allow your Husky to run around and let loose some of it’s excess energy. Some Siberians have been trained to be loose on their own property - we recommend proper training before attempting it!


​Siberian Huskies are beautiful and unique dogs. Bred to pull sleds, snow is nothing new to them! They thrive living outdoors, even during the wintery season. Don’t be surprised if you find your Siberian Husky outside of his doghouse or shelter you have provided for him, simply enjoying the blizzard. It’s part of their unique nature.

They are also relatively quiet dogs. They typically don’t bark, but “talk” instead. Their signature howl can be a beautiful song, but sometimes that howl turns into a conversation. They begin to “talk” to you as if they haven’t seen you in years, instead of barking like  most other breeds.

Huskies are beautiful creatures. They are easily recognizable with their thickly furred double coat, erect triangular ears, and distinctive markings. They can be any colour and their eyes are equally as unique. We have personally been blessed with brown, grey, blue, green, amber, bi-eyes, and parti-eyes, including our adult dogs. While huskies do shed, usually it is only a couple times a year that it is really bad!

As you consider having a Siberian Husky join your home, take your time to do adequate research. We love their quirks, individual personalities, and beauty, and we want you to as well.

The Mini Cockapoo is a lovely crossbreed between a Cocker Spaniel and a miniature Poodle. Though they are not required to be miniature in size, that is what is commonly bred. Size generally averages between 15-21 pounds, although they can be larger or smaller than that, depending on which genetics take hold.

Because Cockapoos are a crossbreed, their appearances do vary. They can have straight, wavy, or curly coats. Their coats  require  regular grooming.  Often they are low-non shedding, which makes them ideal house dogs,. Temperaments and need of exercise also varies. Colour also can vary.

Cockapoos are SUPER! They are fun loving dogs, with great personalities.  They are usually good with children and strangers.  Cockapoos love to be with you - a cuddle on the couch, or a hike in the woods, it makes no difference to them.  You are the most important thing in their world, and they want to do what you are doing.

Cockapoos are very intelligent, and easily trained.  Housetraining hapens fairly easily as does crate training, or any other forms you would choose.  They are also agile and do well in agility training and obedience training.  If you are pleased, they are, too!

Interested in a Cockapoo? Head over to our "Our Dogs" page and meet Calla and shoot us a message! Thank you for reading. 

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